Kujira Domains

Claim your name

Until we launch, you can reserve your Twitter handle as your personal domain to guarantee you get first dibs!

What's in a claim?

Reserving your name entitles you to mint your personal domain at the lowest possible price. A reserved name can only be minted by the user with a verified claim; no auction and no stress!

Reservations will be open until the mainnet launch of Kujira Domains. The price to mint a reserved name will be the base price for the length (20 USK for a 5+ character handle). Users will have three months from launch to mint a reserved name before the reservation expires and the name is released for auction.

Please note, a maximum of 3 reservations are allowed per person and are intended for personal use only (commercial use is fine too so long as the claimant intends to use the domain themselves). Anyone who abuses the claim process to squat domains with the intent to resell will have their reservations cancelled.

The claim process explained

Claiming your name takes three simple steps:

  • Register your claim on-chain. When you click Claim you'll be prompted to send a transaction including your name on Kujira. This registers your claim and proves you are the owner of the reserving wallet.
  • Verify your claim on Twitter. Next, send a tweet with the message you'll be provided including the ID of the transaction you just sent. Don't delete it! The tweet must remain active for a valid claim.
  • Mint your name when we launch! If your transaction exists on chain, your verification tweet is live, and your handle matches the name you claimed on the day we close reservations, you're entitled to mint.

Minting your reserved name

When minting is available, this page will be updated with everything you need!